Sunday, March 21, 2010

The God Delusion: LKM Answers Dr. Richard Dawkins

The basic thesis of Dr. Richard Dawkin's book, The God Delusion, is that religion in general, and Christianity in particular, is the root cause of all the world's troubles, and IF ONLY we would abolish religion from the face of the earth forever, humanity would immediately usher in a new Golden Age of peace, justice, love, prosperity, and brotherhood/sisterhood. He boasts in his book that all persons of any religious persuasion who start to read his book will be confirmed atheists by the time they finish reading it. LKM replies:

1)Dr. Richard Dawkins says Christianity is stupid, for people who do not think. He says it is anti-science.

LKM replies: Science and the Bible clash only over the book of Genesis question of the earth's origin, and how life on it came into existence and subsequently developed. Questions of morality and socio-political relations, discussed extensively in the Bible, cannot be addressed by pure "hard" science. Science concerns itself with delineation in the physical realm between the possible/probable and the impossible, whereas the Bible concerns itself with the human spiritual realm, delineating what should and should not be, regarding moral relations between people. There is a world of difference between "can" and "should". Theologians may be just as educated and intellectual as any scientists. In fact, in Medieval times, there lived Islamic theologians who also were medical doctors or other genres of scientists. An example of this was Ibn Sina, known to the West as Avicenna. In any event, there can be no scientific explanation either in support of or in opposition to the Mosaic Commandments not to kill or steal.

2)Dr. Richard Dawkins decries wars and other physical violence against other people, supposedly instigated by "wicked and evil" Christianity.

LKM replies: There is no Bible New Testament scripture anywhere, in the which Jesus Christ commands that these wars and violences are to be done in His name and for His benefit. Jesus Christ taught forgiveness of moral wrong, love to one's enemies, and response to evil with good.

3)Dr. Richard Dawkins says it is child abuse, for parents to inculcate their children with their(the parents') moral and social values, before the child is old and discerning enough to refute the parents' values.

LKM replies: Child-rearing by other adults, even by government officials, is the same evil: children are being inculcated by some other adult's values, when the child is too mentally incompetent and knowledgeable to refute those views as well. Even in offering moral choices to children, Dr. Dawkins wants to be sure Christianity is not one of those choices.

4)Dr. Richard Dawkins says if only we eliminate religion--especially Christianity--the world would then enter into a Golden Age of peace, virtue, love and prosperity.

LKM replies: Has anyone checked out what life was like for average citizens in godless Nazi Germany and Stalinist Soviet Union lately? If atheism is so great, why the blood-baths in Communist China and in Communist Southeast Asian countries? Why do not atheist-Communist countries open their doors to unlimited immigration and emigration? The politics of envy, as well as religion, can instigate wars of race and economic class disparity. These could occur in a totally atheistic socio-political environment.

5)Dr. Richard Dawkins credits natural selection, not divine creation, for order in the biological universe.

LKM replies: Can Dr. Dawkins demonstrate to us with scientific data from experimentation, how the natural selection mechanism works? How is it we have both man and monkeys with us today, but the alleged "intermediary hominid" forms got "selected out" and eliminated for survival? Were they not "higher" on the evolutionary chain for survival than the monkeys, and thus "more fit for survival" than are the monkeys? Dr. Dawkins provides no examples in reality, to illustrate how this natural selection mechanism works.

6)Dr. Richard Dawkins says it is a fraud, to pray for God's divine intervention to improve one's own or other people's physical health situations.

LKM replies: God does not answer prayer or is obliged to answer prayer according to the dictates of men. God may answer prayer in completely unexpected ways, thus suprising even the supplicants. God thus demonstrates His sovereignty and pleasure in not being bound by human demand. Archie Bunker once said too much prayer to God gets to be nagging! Let God do His own thing.

7)Dr. Richard Dawkins decries persecution of scientists by the Christian church.

LKM replies: Communism has been hawked as a "scientific" form of government. All "smart" scientists will become first atheists, and then good Communists, the argument goes. All intellectualism leads to Communism, just as surely as death and taxes, so goes the argument. But under Communism, Christians have also been ferociously persecuted, thus proving Communist desire for thought-policing and control also. Communist regimes have also killed scientists and other intellectuals in great number. The pot calls the kettle "black" here.

8)Dr. Richard Dawkins, like Carl Sagan, says the physical universe is all there is. Anything we cannot sense with one or more of our five natural physical senses does not exist.

LKM replies: As a musician, I feel deeply sorry for Dr. Dawkins, then! He has no ability to aesthetically evaluate a piece of music, any more than does a crocodile. The ability to aesthetically evaluate an art form--music or otherwise--is a spiritual gift unique to man, and not in evidence throughout the alleged process of evolution. The Bible tells us God is a spirit, and if man is not any special form of creation in God's image, what else accounts for the unique human ability of aesthetic evaluation? Well, Dr. Dawkins?

9)Dr. Richard Dawkins says religion, even in relatively benign forms, cannot peacefully coexist with atheism. We must smash all religion, says he, because even religious "moderates" contribute to a socio-political climate of hateful and fanatical persecution of atheists.

LKM replies: In his clarion call to abolish all religion, Dr. Dawkins is proving himself to be guilty of the same intolerant bigotry of which he accuses Christians. When, in America, was there ever a government pogrom targeting atheists? He says no atheist candidate for elected public office could ever win an election. From my Maryland 8th Congressional district, we elected a member of Congress who declined to publicly state any religious affiliation or belief. He got elected strictly on secular merits.

10)Dr. Richard Dawkins says believers in God cannot also do good science, as they are too lazy-brained for that. They are all too eager to attribute to God anything they cannot scientifically explain,and will not exert themselves to do honest research.

LKM replies: The book, Men of Science/Men of God, by Dr. Henry M. Morris, lists many great scientists from the past who also believed the Bible. The more they discovered through honest scientific research, the more convinced they became, how infinitely great God is! The problem now is that science has been hijacked by atheists having an extra-scientific political agenda, and wish to enlist science as their ally, to accomplish essentially socio-political goals.

11)Dr. Richard Dawkins says atheists can behave morally, and do not need religion as a measure of discernment between right and wrong.

LKM replies: This statement is undoubtedly true, but what is the source of the atheist's morality? Dr. Dawkins does not so-state in his book. Atheistic societies and nations have never been moral leaders in modeling ideal human behaviour. Human life in ancient Greece and Rome was held to be extremely cheap without knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Most likely, today's atheists are still borrowing moral capital from the larger Christian-American socio-political concensus. Pagan Rome finally collapsed from within under the sheer weight of its own moral debauchery.

12)Dr. Richard Dawkins says the Christian church desires to severely restrict individual socio-political freedom, and stop people from enjoying life to the fullest measure.

LKM replies: I would challenge Dr. Dawkins to find one country on earth where the gospel of Jesus Christ has never before been preached, and still that country has more freedom than does America. Incidentally, it is by no accident or coincidence, that in centuries past, it was Christianity which strongly fostered education in both Europe and America. The Christian church has built countless schools and universities. The decline of academic excellence in American public schools is recent decades is directly tied to the dissociation of God from them. This trend is well-documented in David Barton's book, America: To Pray Or Not To Pray? On June 7, 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered prayer out of public schools. Since then, the book illustrates, America's school-age youth have experienced precipitous decline in SAT and GED test scores, side-by-side with exponential increase in such social troubles as premarital sexual activity, STDs, crime, high divorce rates, single parent homes, violence in school, school drop-outs, "shacking up", children running away from home, and even youth suicide. Who. did you say, Dr. Dawkins, is anti-education? Even the U.S. military is worried: young people getting out of high school today still lack the education to master the new and sophisticated technologies today's military uses. In any case, atheistic Communism has most certainly stopped the people living under it from enjoying life to the fullest measure.

13)Dr. Richard Dawkins writes in his book of a "religious center" in the human brain, and cites an evolution of religious belief from primitive pre-historic polytheism to modern monotheism, cutting down on the number of gods worshiped, and then says atheism is the final step in that progression.

LKM replies: Hebraic monotheism is approximately contemporary with Hindu polytheism. Dr. Dawkins offers no archaeologic evidence to support his claim of this historic religious progression from many gods to one. He also offers no scientific evidence for a biologic "urge" of man to be religious, i.e. cannot offer proof of biologic origin of religion. Also, Dr. Dawkins calls religion "wishful thinking". driven entirely by basic primitive human desire and need for comfort and consolation. The answer, in the case of Christianity, is that the Bible often calls for its adherents to forego wish fulfillment, to deny self in the name of spiritual discipline, and put desires and needs of other people ahead of selfish greeds. These concepts run contrary to basic human nature.

14)On page 31 of his book, Dr. Richard Dawkins calls God a "control freak".

LKM replies: If thieves were to break into Dr. Dawkins' private abode to steal his most prized possessions, I wonder if he would call upon human earthly "control freaks" a.k.a. the friendly local police constabulary, to apprehend them? After all, the "unjust, unforgiving control freak" in the sky did say, THOU SHALT NOT STEAL.

15)Dr. Richard Dawkins says evolution is a completely established fact.

LKM replies: But in his interview with Ben Stein on the Expelled DVD, he admits not knowing how life first began. If you do not know how a process began, how can you say its continued progression is a proven fact? Nobody has ever witnessed the process of evolution in action. In his book, Dr. Dawkins gets way off his "home turf" with speculative plausibilities about the cosmos which likewise have never been conclusively proven, e.g. "the Big Bang".

The God Delusion is full of name-calling which does not get the ball rolling in terms of genuine criticism of theology. Dr. Dawkins engages in ad hominem attack and ridicule of religious people, in appeal to the very same irrationalism on the part of his readers which Dr. Dawkins himself so liberally criticizes. This BLOG writer, however, admits to some degree of amusement at the notion of having a divine deity to be called "The Flying Spaghetti-Monster". LKM's reply to this good humor is, "Try him, you'll like him!" What harmless good fun that is! No wonder the apostle Paul wrote in the Bible, I Corinthians 1:18-31, "as the world by wisdom knows not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe"; and, "God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise."

Whosoever thinks himself to be wise is a fool! But whoever knows himself to be a fool is wise!


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