Monday, June 28, 2010

That "Dirty" Four-Letter L-Word

Some words in the English language have always invoked strong social disapprobation among the more elegant and cultured among us, e.g. the "f"-word, the "s"-word, used by those persons of the common plebian classes. Other words, once used in earlier times with universal innocence, now have joined the ranks of understood obscenity. The four-letter word love is such a highly-controversial word in circulation today. It has been widely tossed about in society, to signify many varied notions. Thanks mainly to Hollywood and other popular entertainment media, this word love in recent decades has become synonymous with sexual lust, debauchery, lechery, and ruination of virginal innocence. Satisfaction of perverse carnal self-desire has replaced altruistic and sacrificial devotion to the welfare of other fellow human beings, usually segued by an eventual dumping of the objects of one's lasciviousness onto a personal trash-heap of history. A word which once signified the highest and most noble of social approbation has been perverted into a depriviledging of human life to the final extreme. Today, unlike in the generations of an idyllic past, most people lack the temerity to overtly declare their amorous sentiments to other persons, lest mutual understanding of ulterior sexploitive intent be presently extant.

What now do to? Is restoration of a new American Golden Age of Innocence still possible? Or are truly tender-hearted American patriots to believe the Bible's warning, that only The Second Coming, bearing the heavenly message IN HOC SIGNET VINCES will rescue humanity from its present moral mess?

True love signifies a valuing of one's fellow man, for some reason. What, then, to value in man? Physical strength, great monetary wealth, socio-political prestige, sexual attraction and symmetric beauty of external corporeal appearance are often cited as ideal human values. But in God's eternal scheme of things, such values, so typical of the flower of youth, are of light and transcient cause: few of us having these traits at age of 20 years still have them at age of 80 years. Will love still endure, despite degeneration of these very temporary values?

True love, then. seeks foundation and root in the soil of God's eternity, encumbered by values incorruptible by the passage of time.


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