Saturday, December 5, 2009

LKM New American Flag Proposal

Down with political correctness! This pernicious doctrine is of Communist origin, Mao Tse-T'ung wrote of it in his Little Red Book, calling it "right thinking". Its purpose is to politically intimidate people out of speaking their honest minds, especially concerning those "hot-button" topics about which we all care so profoundly. This political phenomenon is most relevant in the discussion of mankind's five universally-favorite topics: money, sex, politics, sports and religion.

The notion of political correctness has become such a pervasive threat to American Constitutional freedom, that it is high time America adopted a new flag in rebuttal to it. I suggest we continue to have the fifty white stars on the blue field in the upper left-hand corner, even as we have with the current American flag. However, in place of the red and white stripes, we should have a white field, upon which is emblazoned the red letters "PC" inside of a red circle. A blue diagonal stripe should be placed across the red PC letters, signifying American collctive rejection of the political correctness doctrine.

This flag is completely consistent with American historic tradition. This nation was founded by dissenters who were looked upon by the rulers of their Old World countries of origin as being "politically incorrect". Our Constitution, accordingly, makes provision for dissent from popular opinion under the ruberic of the First Amendment. The Bill of Rights is to be extended to individuals, to exercise as they see fit, free of coercion to the contrary either by government or by collective majority opinion.

Thomas Jefferson was totally correct in saying that timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of liberty. Let us Americans not be cowards, to prefer that boisterous sea of liberty today. Freedom begins at home, and we must practice at home the same ideals for which we expend American lives and resources on behalf of foreign countries abroad.


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